Condition-based assessment

Past review
Final report

The 2016 access undertaking required Aurizon Network to procure a condition-based assessment of its rail infrastructure.

Aurizon Network appointed Advisian to conduct an independent condition based assessment of the Central Queensland coal network (CQCN). Advisian’s independent assessment was guided by clause 10.4.3 of the 2016 access undertaking.

Advisian found the CQCN generally achieved the operational key performance indicators (KPIs) of below-rail transit time (BRTT) and overall track condition index (OTCI). Advisian considered that the only exceptions were marginal cases where the monthly BRTT thresholds on the Blackwater and Moura systems were exceeded for one month each. There were no instances where annual BRTT thresholds were exceeded.

Advisian’s report can be downloaded below.