Minerva Pricing DAAU

Past review
Final report

On 30 January 2018, Aurizon Network withdrew its draft amending access undertaking to amend tariffs for the Minerva (Springsure) line.

Accordingly, we ceased considering the DAAU.

Aurizon Network’s letter withdrawing the DAAU can be downloaded below.

On 9 November 2017, we made a draft decision to refuse to approve Aurizon Network’s draft amending access undertaking, seeking transitional reference tariffs to apply to the Minerva line starting 1 July 2017 (the Minerva Pricing DAAU).

Our draft decision, stakeholders’ comments on the DAAU, and Aurizon Network’s submission and DAAU documents are available below.

Request for submissions

Submissions on the draft decision were due on 24 November 2017. At the request of stakeholders, the period for submissions was extended to 31 January 2018.

Aurizon Network on 4 September 2017 submitted a draft amending access undertaking seeking approval to amend the 2017–18 transitional reference tariffs for the Minerva (Springsure) line (the Minerva Pricing DAAU).