2009 draft access undertaking

Past review

The 2009 DAU sets out the terms and conditions under which QR Network proposed to provide access to rail infrastructure covered by the undertaking once its current access undertaking expires on 31 May 2010.

The access undertaking sets out the process required for an access seeker to negotiate access to the infrastructure, and how any disputes in relation to access are to be resolved.

Aurizon Network is obliged to undertake a number of activities in accordance with its undertaking, some of which require the QCA’s approval (e.g. annual approval of capital expenditure, revenue cap adjustments and reference tariff variations).

Aurizon Network can seek to amend an approved undertaking by submitting a draft amending access undertaking, in accordance with the process set out in the QCA Act.

On 9 September 2008, QR Network submitted a voluntary draft access undertaking (the 2009 DAU) for approval. The 2009 DAU set out the terms and conditions under which QR Network proposed to provide access to rail infrastructure covered by the undertaking once its current access undertaking expires on 31 May 2010.

Under section 136 of the Queensland Competition Authority Act 1997 (the QCA Act), the  QCA must consider and decide whether or not to approve QR Network’s 2009 DAU.

On 18 December 2009, the QCA published its draft decision that proposed to not approve the 2009 DAU.

On 15 April 2010, QR Network withdrew the 2009 DAU and submitted a replacement DAU (the 2010 DAU)