
We have a range of policies and supporting processes to ensure we appropriately control and govern our affairs. In line with legislated requirements and best practice, we publish our key corporate policies.

Note that the electronic versions of the annual report on this site page are not recognised as the official or authorised version. The official copy of the latest annual report along with all previous annual reports, as tabled in the Legislative Assembly of Queensland, can be accessed from the Queensland Parliament’s website, which holds a database of tabled papers.

To obtain annual reports from previous years or in an alternative format please submit your request via the Contact page.

Title Document
05 October 2023 QCA annual report 2022-23 pdf, 2.68 Mb
30 September 2022 QCA annual report 2021-22 pdf, 2.75 Mb
30 April 2022 QCA annual report 2020-21 pdf, 3.21 Mb
30 September 2020 QCA annual report 2019-20 pdf, 2.13 Mb
01 October 2019 QCA annual report 2018-19 pdf, 3.27 Mb
Title Document
28 May 2024 QCA Strategic Plan 2024-28 pdf, 73.90 Kb
17 November 2022 QCA Strategic Plan 2022-26 pdf, 217.84 Kb
02 June 2022 QCA Strategic Plan 2021-25 pdf, 187.01 Kb
01 October 2019 QCA Strategic Plan 2019-20 pdf, 520.31 Kb
12 December 2018 QCA Strategic Plan 2018-19 pdf, 451.35 Kb

Performance framework

We developed a performance framework and a set of key performance indicators in collaboration with Queensland Treasury, which took effect from 1 July 2018. The KPIs will be tracked and all reported results reported published in our annual report.

Download performance framework

The performance framework includes an annual self assessment and a biennial external review performed by an independent researcher. The first review was conducted in 2020 and surveyed a wide range of stakeholders that included entities regulated by the QCA, customers of those entities, special interest and advocacy groups, the QCA’s Consumer Advisory Committee and government representatives.

We are currently progressing various stakeholder projects that are due to be completed in the first half of 2025. We will therefore defer the biennial external review to mid-2025 to request stakeholder feedback on our performance. The annual self assessment will still be undertaken and available in the Annual Report 2023-24

External stakeholder survey 2022 – Full report
External stakeholder survey 2020 – Full report

Our fee framework governs how our costs are recovered from the organisations we regulate.

The fee framework was reviewed in November 2023.

QCA fee framework

Fee framework reviews 

We engage auditors to review the application of the fee framework and associated costing model each year. The QCA has expanded the scope of the annual audit to include sample-based testing of the costs charged to individual regulatory services or functions.

Grant Thornton was engaged to undertake these reviews.

QCA Fee costing manual review 2023

QCA Fee costing manual review 2022

QCA Fee costing manual review 2021

QCA Fee costing manual review 2020



We collect, store and use personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. The Act outlines the rules that govern personal information as well as where and how it can be stored. More information on how we collect, use and store personal information can be accessed here.

The Right to Information Act 2009 governs the our approach to providing the community with access to information. More information on accessing information, our publication scheme and how to make an RTI request can be found here.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all our employees, reflects our role as a regulator, and meets the requirements of the Public Sector Ethics Act 2004.

We expect staff and others working with us to exercise good judgement in their professional life.

Our Code of Conduct provides guidance in terms of the core values and principles of ethical conduct to which our employees must adhere. Our Code of Conduct can be downloaded here.

The QCA’s policies and guidelines relating to complaints may be accessed below.

The most effective protection for a person making a public interest disclosure is the right organisational culture.

In line with our values, we are committed to creating and sustaining a positive ethical climate with professional and accountable behaviour.

This comes from leadership that openly recognises the significant contribution staff make to our success and strongly encourages disclosure of unethical and fraudulent behaviour.

Public Interest Disclosure Policy (PDF)

Public Interest Disclosure Procedure (PDF)

Public Interest Disclosure Management Plan (PDF)